Specced Editions
#52 / #53 / #54
EXT65 was designed by three of our AEBoard members: Aeryxz, Solidsnake and Xelus. You can visit our EXT65 page to find out more about this unique keyboard.
As with most keyboard runs, we run extras to ensure that there’s enough A-stock for the public buy. These 3 boards were part of the extras and numbered accordingly: #52 / 50, #53 / 50, and #54 / 50.
Since the prototypes of EXT65, we’ve been using the board extensively with our tastes in switches - and today we will offer you what we enjoy best… but don’t let our taste limit you to what you like, mix and match and get the most satisfying board you can build with your preferences.
These boards were sold in an auction style, with payment going through the Australian Keyboard Community store - the keyboard treehouse.
Once again, a big thank you for everyone who followed the EXT65 journey and the ongoing support from the Aegis buyers. We’ve learnt a lot more from this run and moving forward we hope to be able to get more of our boards to you - our greatest supporters.
AKA. Holy Pandas EXT65
Aeryxz loves Holy Pandas. In fact, it’s exclusively the only switch he tends to use. Which is great - except for the fact that the original Invyr Panda housing aren’t being made anymore.
Luckily he stockpiled the last couple of hundred of OG HP switches before they disappeared in the wild and essentially became extinct. These switches come straight from that stockpile - unlubed, untouched…
AKA. Linear EXT65
Solid Snake has run through many iterations of linears. He uses linears as the benchmark in the design process for the typing experience - feel and sound. It’s no secret that linears tend to be the majority’s favourite.
Gateron Inks are considered to be one of the nicest and accessible linears around in the market right now, and together with some careful filming and lubing, will provide a fantastic linear typing experience.
AKA. Ergo Clears EXT65
Xelus loves tactiles - and the tactile classic is the beloved Ergoclears. The tactile bump is a bit different to the Holy Panda tactile bump and in fact is what Aeryxz used to use before he built Holy Pandas.
Ergo Clears shouldn’t be relegated to the history book, it’s a great affordable switch mod that still deserves it’s time in the lime light.
EXT65 SE #52 Specification:
Navy EXT65 (numbered #52)
Brass Plate + PCB Kit
Limited Edition Navy AE x RAMA Keycap
2x Gasket Kits
8x M3x12mm Gold Hex Cap Screws
90x Original Invyr Pandas
90x Halo Stems
90x Gat Yellow Springs (lubed in Krytox 104)
Christo MCG 111 Lube
EXT65 SE #53 Specification:
Navy EXT65 (numbered #53)
Brass Plate + PCB Kit
Limited Edition Navy AE x RAMA Keycap
2x Gasket Kits
8x M3x12mm Gold Hex Cap Screws
90x Gateron Inks
Switch Films (Clear)
Tribosys 3204 Lube
EXT65 SE #54 Specification:
Navy EXT65 (numbered #54)
Brass Plate + PCB Kit
Limited Edition Navy AE x RAMA Keycap
2x Gasket Kits
8x M3x12mm Gold Hex Cap Screws
90x Gateron Blacks
70x MX Clear Stems (White)
20x MX Clear Stems (Grey for number pad)
67g Unlubed Panda Springs
Switch Films (White)
Krytox 205 Lube
OG Holy Pandas (Gat Yellow 104 Springs, Christo MCG 111 Lube)
Gateron Inks (Switch Films, Tribosys 3204)
Ergo Clears (67g, Switch Films, Krytox 205)